How To: Homemade Nut & Seed Butters

Ah...nuts! They're crunchy, satisfying, nutritious and super versatile because you can use them in so many different culinary creations. They can form the base for non-dairy cheese and milk, dips and pates, flour and of course, butters, like the ones we're sharing here.

Raw nuts and seeds are full of vitamins and "good” fat. But before you create a yummy butter, you have to do a bit of prep work. By soaking, draining, rinsing and then dehydrating, you'll get the best tasting and creamiest butters that can be created. Sure, this is a bit time consuming, but it's all worth it when you taste the end result! Plus, some are harder to find in stores and more expensive when bought pre-made.  

Some general notes:

On Soaking 
• Place your nuts or seeds in a bowl and cover just over the top with filtered water. When soaking is complete, discard the water and rinse nuts or seeds until water runs clean. 

On Dehydrating 
• You can dehydrate your nuts and seeds in a food dehydrator or in your oven on low heat (no more than 150˚). We recommend the food dehydrator so that you can “set it and walk away” without worrying about safety. 

On Food Processing 
• We used a food processor with a 7 cup work bowl and found that about 2-2.5 cups fit best (there needs to be enough room for the nut/seed to get broken down and then incorporate into a butter) 

• The time needed to make each butter varies with the softness and oil content of the nut/seed, but all of them will go thru 3 stages: a moist “meal” that may build up into a “wall” on the sides of the work bowl; then a dough-like mass; and finally a butter consistency. 

On Oil 
• You will want to use a mild flavored oil such as sunflower, grapeseed, light sesame or even coconut. 

On Storage 
• Fresh nut butters are susceptible to rancidity, so always store in them in the refrigerator.

Almond Butter


Soak for 10 hours. Dehydrate for 12 hours, or until completely dry. 


• 2-2.5 cups  Raw Almonds 

• 1-2 Tbsp oil 

• Pinch of sea salt, or to taste (optional) 


Process in food processor for 5-7 minutes or until final stage is reached.

Walnut Butter


Soak for 4 hours. Dehydrate for 12 hours, or until completely dry. 


• 2-2.5 cups  Walnut Halves & Pieces 

• 1-2 Tbsp oil, if needed 

• Pinch of sea salt, or to taste (optional) 


Process in food processor for 4-6 minutes or until final stage is reached. Your finished butter won’t have a smooth consistency, but rather that of slightly firm, whipped spread.

Pumpkin Seed Butter


Soak for 8 hours. Dehydrate for 12 hours, or until completely dry. 


• 2-2.5 cups Raw Pepitas 

• 5-6 Tbsp oil 

• Pinch of sea salt, or to taste (optional) 


Process in food processor for 10-12 minutes or until final stage is reached. Just because of the seed's nature, the finished butter will not be a smooth consistency, but slightly clumpy, yet creamy. 

Sunflower Seed Butter


Soak for 2 hours. Dehydrate for 12 hours, or until completely dry. 


• 2-2.5 cups  Raw Sunflower Kernels 

• 2-3 Tbsp oil 

• Pinch of sea salt, or to taste (optional) 


Process in food processor for 4-5 minutes or until final stage is reached. 

Macadamia Nut Butter


Soak for 8 hours. Dehydrate for 12 hours, or until completely dry. 


• 2-2.5 cups Raw Macadamias


Process in food processor for 3-5 minutes or until final stage is reached. This butter has the consistency of tahini (slightly runny), due to the natural high oil content.  

Posted January 13, 2022